Decide to change

7 min readSep 26, 2021


In this article that I have the opportunity to share on Everlaab, I will touch on the subject of decision-making.

By the way, my name is Julien, I am the founder of the personal development site Dev-Perso and creator of educational and inspiring content. I know the subject of decision making, I myself had faced it.

The decision is a key step in change and that is what we will talk about in this article. Indeed, change is a word that can be scary, but in reality, it invites us to evolve and create the person we want to be, to have the life we ​​aspire to, and to achieve our aspirations.

Change is therefore a good thing if we undertake it (vs. if we undergo it…). To do this, you have to make THE decision that can change everything.

Let’s see why deciding to change is important, also how that decision-making takes place. Finally, we will also see tips to further anchor this decision so that it bears fruit.

What is decision-making?

First, let’s define what is meant by the term “decision making”. Decision-making is action. Indeed, the word “prize”, derived from the verb to take, reminds us of the active character of the term. What this means is that decision-making is not a simple wish or desire to change. It is an action that marks a caesura, or a pivot between two situations (the one before the decision was taken and the one after). Thus, decision-making is already a matter of action and therefore requires real motivation on our part.

In addition, decision-making is a commitment. Indeed, when we make a decision and do it sincerely and seriously, we are committed. Therefore, deciding to change is a real commitment to oneself.

The greater the commitment and involvement on our part, the greater the actions and changes will also be. Quite often there is a correlation.

Thus, a great involvement will generate actions accordingly and therefore results as well.

Why decide to change?

Why do we have to make a decision, or even make THE decision to change? After all, what makes us want to change so much that we make a firm decision and commit?

There can be a lot of reasons that push us to make this decision, but often these reasons all have one thing in common: suffering.

The term suffering may be a bit heavy for some, so we can reclassify it as pain, grief, dissatisfaction, or even frustration.

Either way, we all seek to thrive and be happy, but the human experience we go through takes us through different emotional states. Indeed, according to our course, we know ups and downs and we advance in our way of life.

The problem arises when there is such a gap between our external situation and our internal state that we no longer accept certain things. Thus, it can be a toxic relationship that harms us, a job that we hate, discomfort or a complex that demeans us, a precarious financial situation that tires us… etc. The point is, something is wrong and it hurts us to the point of non-acceptance. At this point, it is necessary to decide to change!

The brakes on decision-making

How is it when some people are struggling to make up their minds? Why don’t some people decide to change their condition?

There are several reasons for this. First of all, deciding to change requires being aware of the situation in which you find yourself, and being able to change it. For some, this awareness has not happened. Awareness is another important step, which we will not be able to detail too much here, because it is not the object of the article.

On the other hand, what can be said about awareness is that it serves as fertile ground for decision-making. It precedes decision-making. If awareness has not taken place, it is difficult to undertake serious and committed decision-making.

What about when awareness has indeed taken place, but decision-making is struggling to emerge?

This is another case in which the brakes and blockages are psychological. This means that we break ourselves and we limit ourselves.

Deciding to change takes will, courage, and confidence. To go a little further, we could say that deciding to change also requires faith and hope. Indeed, we must believe that we can change and create a better situation. Thus, if we are subject to fear, we risk delaying this decision-making.

There are several types of fears. Here, fear of commitment or fear of the unknown can prevent the decision to change from being made. Therefore, there is personal work to be undertaken to reduce his fears if they inhibit action. Deciding to change invites us to leave our comfort zone.

Decide to change what?

When we are determined to change, we can ask ourselves the following question: decide to change what? In other words, what are we going to change in our life? Are we going to change our lives at all?

Not necessarily. Indeed, we will explore three avenues of change that are often common. These are profound changes that first take place on the inside and then manifest themselves on the outside.

Decide to change who we are

Deciding to change who you are doesn’t mean changing your identity and reinventing a new story. No, deciding to change who you mean aspiring to be another person. A lot of times that means becoming a better person. You could use the expression to become the best version of yourself. There may come a time in our life when we question ourselves and consider that we can be more and be better. It’s like realizing that our potential is not being tapped. Usually, deciding to change who you have involved lifestyle changes.

Decide to change your lifestyle

Deciding to change your lifestyle appears as a solution to evolve and take your life to the next level. Indeed, our way of life is made up of our environment and our daily habits and actions. In other words, our lifestyle has a direct influence on our current and future level of development.

Our way of life will guide the trajectory of our life and therefore will have consequences for our future. For example, if you are a smoker and you lack breath and energy today, it is obvious that the situation may get worse over time if you do not change your lifestyle.

Decide to change your life

Deciding to change your life is often misinterpreted. Indeed, we often believe that it means changing completely and starting from zero on the other side of the world. The reality is that yes it is part of a life change, but you can decide to change your life without changing everything.

Decision making precedes action

Deciding to change is not enough in itself. Indeed, for changes, whatever they may be, to take place, they must be undertaken and this can only be done through action. Action is the junction between your inner world and your outer world. Whatever is in your head can only come to fruition in your life through action. Taking action is therefore the way to change, but for it to take place, it must be decided. Thus, decision-making follows awareness and precedes action.

2 tips to anchor your decision

To decide to change well, and to anchor that decision, here are two tips you can apply.

Note: Reading these tips is not enough, you have to apply them to see how effective they are in your life. So, if you want to decide to change, follow these tips to anchor that decision and initiate the change you want to see.

Write your decision making

Writing has many benefits. First of all, writing allows you to clarify your intention and what you have in mind. The simple act of writing lightens you up and relieves your mind. So you can write and describe the situation you want to change. To learn more, you can write about why you no longer accept this situation. How is this situation harming you?

Read also: Why and how to document your decision-making process?

Affirm your decision-making out loud

Do you know the power of positive affirmations?

As a reminder, the fact of affirming an intention and repeating it with sincerity and commitment helps us to anchor it in our unconscious. In other words, it means that we can increase our level of involvement through the use of affirmations.

You can do this exercise several times a day, and for several days until it becomes obvious to you. You don’t have to be in the middle of things and be half-involved if you want to decide to change. Indeed, if we decide to change, we commit and we implement the means, otherwise, it is better to wait to be ready.

Real positive change takes place over time. It is a journey, and this journey is very enriching, but to find out it is necessary to start with the first step: to make THE decision that can change everything.




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